
New version of some text editor
Pascal Cuoq on 19 July 2011

John Gruber writes about new release 10 of text editor BBEdit: I’ve been beta-testing 10 for months and at this point I couldn’t bear to go back to version 9. Wow! I would hate an editor that come a new release puts you in a position to say things like...

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Someone else's blog
Pascal Cuoq on 18 June 2011

I have discovered a new blog. Having read a few archived posts at random I think I am going to like it. That blog mixes the technical with the personal much like this blog doesn't. My reaction to the linked post (also the current one at the time of writing)...

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Clang Static Analyzer
Pascal Cuoq on 17 June 2011

From the Clang Static Analyzer homepage: Please help us in this endeavor by reporting false positives. Please help us make Frama-C better by reporting false negatives.

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Happy birthday, IBM.
Pascal Cuoq on 16 June 2011

Today is IBM's 100th birthday, if the rumor is to be believed. Just the occasion for a link to this online article about the Polaroid SX-70 then. The article is the work of Harry McCracken. I am glad that 21st century internet allows authors such as him to be heard...

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Final thoughts on the ICPC 2011 industrial challenge
Pascal Cuoq on 11 June 2011

I have received the review of my submission to the ICPC 2011 industrial challenge. If you have read the challenge description, you may remember that participating involved writing various fictional e-mails. In my submission, I skimped a bit on that part. Some of the e-mails I replaced by an e-mail...

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