
Frama-C blog becomes self-aware, author unnecessary
Pascal Cuoq on 19 May 2014

A reader's challenge A couple of days ago, faithful reader David Gil sent in a challenge: The reference code for Keccak/SHA-3 has a correctness bug in the Optimized64 implementation. Can the value analysis plugin find it? My patch fixing that bug was accepted; I believe that the trunk is correct...

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Nginx buffer overflow
Pascal Cuoq on 18 March 2014

A buffer overflow has been discovered in recent versions of the HTTP server Nginx. Hacker News user jmnicolas pondered out loud: “I wonder if this discovery is a result of OpenBSD switching its focus from Apache to Nginx?” It took me one minute to understand what ey meant. I was...

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An interesting SSL implementation bug: CVE-2013-5914
Pascal Cuoq on 23 February 2014

SSL in the news SSL is a protocol for point-to-point confidential and authenticated communication over an insecure medium. It is the protocol behind HTTPS, among many other uses. In an Internet-connected system, the SSL implementation stands at the frontier between the system and the hostile outside world. For this reason,...

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Pascal Cuoq on 4 February 2014

Jesse Ruderman on assertions and fuzzing Jesse Ruderman has published a blog post on assertions and how they complement fuzzing. Key quote: “Fuzzers make things go wrong. Assertions make sure we find out.” Readers of this blog are accustomed to me talking about differential testing where a reference result (say...

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Bear-joke security is dead
Pascal Cuoq on 24 January 2014

Likely, you have heard this one before: Two campers are surprised by an angry bear. One of them starts putting on eir running shoes. Surprised the other exclaims “What are you doing Alex? You can't outrun a bear!” To which Alex replies: “I don't have to outrun the bear. I...

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