
Tag Archives: Eva

A mini ACSL tutorial for Value, part 3: indirect assigns
André Maroneze on 12 October 2016

To conclude our 3-part series on ACSL specifications for Value, we present a feature introduced in Frama-C Aluminium that allows more precise specifications: the indirect label in ACSL assigns clauses. The expressivity gains when writing \froms are especially useful for plugins such as Value. Indirect assigns Starting in Frama-C Aluminium...

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A mini ACSL tutorial for Value, part 2: functional dependencies
André Maroneze on 30 September 2016

In our previous post, we left you in a cliffhanger: which \from is missing from our ACSL specification for safe_get_random_char? In this post, we explain the functional dependencies in our specification, how to test them, and then present the missing dependency. Where do the \from come from? Our complete specification...

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A mini-tutorial of ACSL specifications for Value
André Maroneze on 23 September 2016

(with the collaboration of F. Kirchner, V. Prevosto and B. Yakobowski) Users of the Value plugin often need to use functions for which there is no available code, or whose code could be abstracted away. In such cases, ACSL specifications often come in handy. Our colleagues at Fraunhofer prepared the...

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Small improvements to the Frama-C GUI
André Maroneze on 8 April 2016

The Frama-C GUI received a few quality-of-life improvements that have not been announced during the Magnesium release. This post presents some of them, along with general GUI tips. We focus on general-purpose UI improvements, while another post will discuss new Value-specific features, related to the new Values tab. These UI...

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