
Tag Archives: value

Animated donut verification
Pascal Cuoq on 22 July 2011

Here's a cool obfuscated C program by Andy Sloane that draws a revolving donut. You know where this is heading... I am going to suggest that someone should verify it. I will get us started. 1. Download the code 2. Determine what library functions it needs: $ frama-c -metrics donut.c...

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Back to the drawing board
Pascal Cuoq on 21 July 2011

This post is a backward changelog that introduces actual new features. Beat that, Emacs 19 Antinews! Shortly after the release of Carbon, I offered to my Frama-C co-developers the idea of a great clean-up of the value analysis for the next release. This would not immediately add new features (indeed,...

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Fixing robots, part 1
Pascal Cuoq on 6 June 2011

This blog post is a revised version of part of my submission to the ICPC 2011 Industry Challenge. Please go ahead and read the challenge description. I could only paraphrase it without adding anything to it and so I won't. The study was made with the April development version of...

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Skein tutorial, part 7: not dead, but resting
Pascal Cuoq on 2 June 2011

Do you remember the Skein tutorial? It went off to a good start (it started this blog) and then was never really completed. I blame laziness. Looking back at that first post, I notice that indeed, before Boron, we were shipping software without documentation (just think! Ahem). At the time,...

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Test driving static analysis tools
Pascal Cuoq on 31 May 2011

I have recently added an article \Test driving static analysis tools in search of C code vulnerabilities" by George Chatzieleftheriou and Panagiotis Katsaros on the wiki page of publications relevant to Frama-C. This article benchmarks a number of static analysis tools that it tests for precision (warning about real issues...

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