
Function realloc() is broken - Not
Pascal Cuoq on 9 February 2012

This post is a sequel of this post, in which I argued that it is not possible to double-free a piece of memory, only to pass indeterminate data (specifically, a dangling pointer) to a function (specifically, free()). Broken This time I am arguing that the standardized function realloc() is broken....

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Float vs real
Pascal Cuoq on 9 February 2012

For some reason, uses of real to denote fixed-precision floating-point numbers (in languages such as FORTRAN) irritate me, but uses of integer or int to denote bounded integers do not. One notation isn't more accurate than the other, though. Does anyone have an idea why that might be?

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Using the Rte and value analysis plug-ins to detect overflows
Pascal Cuoq on 4 February 2012

This post is another of the methodological cheat cards that made up much of this blog at its beginnings, before I decided that controversial comparisons between static analyzers were more fun to write. The problem: detecting semantic coding rules transgressions By default, Frama-C's value analysis does not warn about integer...

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Option to make GCC conform to C99 re:floating-point
Pascal Cuoq on 23 January 2012

The existence of this option to make GCC conform to C99 when compiling for the x87 floating-point instruction set is informative. The commentary that comes with the patch is quite interesting, if you are into this sort of thing. If you are not that much into the minutiae of the...

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A reference peeve
Pascal Cuoq on 20 January 2012

One thing has been peeving me for a while. It is small and does not impact me directly, so I didn't speak up, but perhaps I should. Many people, some of whom should know better, mention Floyd, Hoare and Dijkstra in the same sentence as modern verification condition generators (Frama-C's...

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