
More big round numbers
Pascal Cuoq on 5 January 2012

This blog simultaneously passed the 100-posts and the 50-comments milestones, and also its 15-months birthday. Readers should now decide of future orientations. What does this blog need most? A norant tag, so that it's easy to subscribe to all posts but rants? A spivak tag, in order for Spivak pronouns...

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free(): revisited already
Pascal Cuoq on 5 January 2012

If Frama-C doesn't work out, we can always make a comedy team Facetious colleagues ask me how I make Frama-C's value analysis' messages so informative. \Pascal " one of them says "in this case study the generated log contains 8GiB of information! It won't open in Emacs...". I helpfully point...

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Double free(), no such thing
Pascal Cuoq on 5 January 2012

I have been able to divert a few hours yesterday and today for programming. It was well worth it, as I have discovered a theorem. It is new to me, and I wonder whether it was ever published. The theorem is, a C program cannot double free() a block even...

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Do not use AES in a context where timing attacks are possible
Pascal Cuoq on 31 December 2011

Justification There recently was a thread in the Frama-C mailing list on verifying the Rijndael cipher, standardized and better-known as AES. Nowadays, AES is mostly famous for being sensitive to timing attacks. An attacker measuring the time it takes to encrypt known plaintext with an unknown key can deduce the...

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More Christmas rant
Pascal Cuoq on 30 December 2011

In 2011, I got an Xbox 360. It's not what I would have liked but you know what they say about not looking gift consoles in the mouth especially when you get them one solstice early. When in the game shop I saw in the second-hand games bin the game...

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