
Static analysis tools comparisons
Pascal Cuoq on 25 November 2011

It is very easy to make snap judgments about other static analyzers when you are yourself working on one. You do not even need to act in bad faith: you just try the other tools on the programs that you worked hard to give interesting results on — difficult examples,...

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Fixes in Nitrogen's value analysis
Pascal Cuoq on 23 November 2011

Speaking of bug fixes, here is what a proper post-release patch looks like. This patch fixes five issues identified since Nitrogen was released. I have not tested the patch itself (I have not even tried applying it to the original tarball) — this is where you come in dear reader....

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Bug in Nitrogen's value analysis
Pascal Cuoq on 23 November 2011

In the course of restructuring the value analysis, I noticed a difference in some regression tests. The \after" version had some new warnings that weren't in the "before" version. After further investigation it turned out that displaying the warnings was correct and that the "before" version was unsound. This soundness...

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Just a few more digits, please
Pascal Cuoq on 18 November 2011

Introduction: of Spivak pronouns In this post, I really let fly the Spivak pronouns. They are not used for the first time in this blog or in documentation but they are abused here. I have no serious justification for this sudden peak. I have a couple of unserious ones: I...

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Analyzing single-precision floating-point constants
Pascal Cuoq on 14 November 2011

The previous post on this blog points out how subtle just floating-point constants can be. In a previous previous post exactly one year ago I was already alluding to these difficulties in the context of Frama-C's front-end. Programming a code analyzer that can answer question 5 How should the program...

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