
This time for real: verifying function cosine
Pascal Cuoq on 3 March 2011

This post follows that post where a typical double-precision implementation for a cosine function is shown. That implementation is not a correctly rounded implementation but its double result is precise to a level close to what the double-precision floating-point representation allows. It uses low-level tricks that make it faster on...

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Analyzing unit tests and interpretation speed
Pascal Cuoq on 1 March 2011

I once claimed in a comment that with the value analysis, when the source code is fully available, you can analyze many executable C programs with maximum precision. For this to work, all inputs must have been decided in advance and be provided. It can therefore be likened to running...

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On switch statements
Pascal Cuoq on 28 February 2011

In Carbon 20110201 and earlier versions of Frama-C, if you do not use precautions when analyzing a program with switch statements, you get imprecise results. Consider the example program below. main(int argc, char **argv){ switch(argc){ case 1: Frama_C_show_each_no_args(argc); break; case 2: Frama_C_show_each_exactly_2(argc); /* fall through */ case 3: Frama_C_show_each_2_or_3(argc); break;...

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Numerical functions are not merely twisted
Pascal Cuoq on 25 February 2011

In a previous post there was a cosine function that I made up for the purpose of blogging about it. Let us now look at a real cosine function (OpenBSD's libm derived from widespread code written at Sun in the 1990s) to get a feeling how far off we were:...

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Verifying numerical precision with Frama-C's value analysis — part 2
Pascal Cuoq on 10 February 2011

In this sequel to a previous post about numerical precision and the value analysis we tackle another extremely common implementation technique the linear interpolation table. In an attempt to make things less boring the approximated function this time is a sine and takes as its argument a double representing an...

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